Marriage Story Summary

Marriage Story Summary

Charlie Barber is a theater director living in New York City with his wife Nicole and son Henry. Nicole is an actress and stars in Charlie's play. Their marriage is failing and they seek counseling. Unfortunately, things quickly fall apart after, and Nicole moves to Los Angeles to pursue a career in Hollywood. She leaves with Henry and settle at her mother's home. Charlie has to stay in New York after his play makes it to Broadway.

The couple amicably split on the condition that no lawyers be involved in their separation. Nicole is however encouraged by a colleague to seek out Nora as her legal representative in court. Charlie flies to Los Angeles and reveals that he's won a prestigious grant that would elevate his career. Nicole is happy for him, but asks for divorce. Charlie learns about Nicole's lawyer, and he's forced to seek a lawyer for himself. He isn't interested in the ugliness of a divorce battle, so he leaves for New York without settling on a lawyer.

Charlie gets an unexpected call from Nora, who threatens him to get a lawyer or lose custody of his son. He is forced to return to Los Angeles and finally settles on a less hostile lawyer compared to Nora. Charlie and Nicole's relationship begins to become spiteful after he finds out that she's thinking of staying in Los Angeles with Henry indefinitely. They have a fight, which ends with Nicole revealing that she knew about Charlie's love affair.

To mount a formidable front in the divorce, Charlie is advised to stay in Los Angeles until the case is wrapped. He is still hawkish about going to court, so he meets with Nicole, with their respective lawyers present. The meeting is unsuccessful and the rift between them only grows wider. To counter Nora's dirty schemes, Charlie hires another lawyer who is just as hostile as her. The case turns into a bloodbath and both sides are scathed. Charlie's infidelity and Nicole's drinking habits are all unearthed in court.

Despite the hostility between the lawyers, Charlie and Nicole remain on good terms for the sake of Henry. They meet privately to talk, which leads to another fight. At this point, they've reached a point of no return. The love they once shared has turned into bitter resentment. They decide to finalize the divorce, with Nicole getting the better half of the deal. A year after the divorce is finalized, Charlie's play has been highly successful and Nicole's career is really taking off.

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