Love! Valour! Compassion!


  1. ^ He continued: "I feel at home in New York, or I feel like a very welcome visitor.... If you really want to work in theater and you're serious about it — and I got serious about this pretty early — it's the only practical city to live in. If you can find a way. And I was very lucky that this was a much more welcoming city to new artists in the '60s than it is now. It's too expensive to live here now. The young writers I know live in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens. Nobody can live on the island now. When I got here at 17, I didn't even visit Brooklyn. I wouldn't leave the island, and now young people can't afford to be on the island, but they seem happy and find a way to make ends meet.[19]
  2. ^ He dedicated both Apple Pie (1968), a collection of one-act plays, and Frankie and Johnnie to her.[20][21]
  3. ^ McNally had been recommended by Molly Kazan, the Steinbecks' neighbor and McNally's mentor at the Playwrights Unit of the Actors Studio.[25]
  4. ^ McNally contributed eight minutes to a theater anthology, Urban Blight and later developed it as Andre's Mother.[19]
  5. ^ A one-act opera premiered in an anthology of three, each with its own librettist and composer.[96]
  6. ^ Based on an unpublished McNally text, Some Christmas Letters.[42][98]
  7. ^ McNally contributed one act, Mr. Roberts, to this three act anthology.[103]

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