Leviathan Wakes Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Leviathan Wakes Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Scopuli

The Scopuli symbolizes danger. While Holden and his crew are in transit to Ceres Station, they hear a distress signal from the spaceship Scopuli. However, they find it empty when they stop to help the occupants. Immediately, the crew senses danger because the spaceship is a possible trap. Before escaping, the Canterbury carrying the crew is shot down by the Martians.

Ceres Station

The Ceres Station symbolizes power for the alien community in outer space. The aliens have put in place the Martian military to guard the Ceres Station and ensure it is safe. Any attempt to destroy the Ceres Station will completely end the aliens. Therefore, the alien authority can do anything to defend the Ceres Station.


Holden symbolizes the courage and confidence needed to accomplish the most difficult missions. Despite the journey to Ceres Station being one of the most dangerous endeavors, Holden is ready to lead his crew to the station. However, the biggest obstacle is the Martians. While in transit, the Canterbury spaceship carrying the crew is shot down by Martians and lands at sea. However, Holden uses his bravery to contact the Solar System to seek rescue.

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