Let the Circle be Unbroken

Let the Circle be Unbroken Irony

Cassie's Bible verse (Situational Irony)

It is ironic that, as Cassie is plotting to take away Son-Boy's marble, her Sunday School asks her to recite her Bible verse which is concerned with not coveting a neighbor's possessions.

The Courthouse (Situational Irony)

Cassie describes the courthouse as pretty, colorful, and containing a "flower garden which gave the area a festive air" (44). This is ironic because inside a most deleterious example of injustice and racial prejudice is playing out: T.J. will lose his life because of rapacious white men and the system that allows them to get away with their deeds.

Mr. Boudein's comment (Situational Irony and Dramatic Irony)

Mr. Boudein says that the older colored people get, the more childlike they become. This is an ironic statement on surface level but is also ironic in a deeper way because it is Mr. Boudein and other whites who are being childish, petulant, and selfish.

Suzella (Situational Irony)

It is ironic that the one man Suzella ends up developing feelings for is Russell, a black man: she had promised herself she would not end up like her mother.