Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century Literary Elements

Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century Literary Elements


Science fiction fantasy

Setting and Context

Set in the 21st century and takes place in different worlds.

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

The tone is awestruck, and the mood is optimistic.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is Martha, and the antagonist is the Meta operator.

Major Conflict

In the first story, “Pre-Simulation Consultation XF007867,” the major conflict is between the protagonist and the Meta operator, who restricts her from blending with her dead mother in a simulation.


The climax in “Twenty Hours” comes when couples finally can kill their companions and pay for an instant print of a new partner.


The uncanny bus encountered by Martha foreshadows her problematic future relationships.


The significance of a partner’s life is downplayed in the story “Twenty Hours” when a man says her wife is useless because he can print another one.




The scenic description of how the influential climber dies depicts a sense of sight. The description shows that his close friends mercilessly killed the climber.


The main paradox is that men who kill their wives expecting a new version of women face a harsh reality when the new prints come up with the worst behavior.


There is a parallelism between the Martha's toxic relationship his he decision to ignore her life challenges.

Metonymy and Synecdoche



The sinister doll is personified when the author says he is mindless.

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