Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century Imagery

Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century Imagery

Liddy’s ankles

The description of Liddy's ankles depicts a sense of sight. The author writes, "Raised white bumps protruded from Liddy's skin, one on the outside of each ankle, each a few inches above the rounded knob of bone-perfectly symmetrical." The imagery is significant because it shows the health challenges that Liddy is going through. Ringworms cause the white bumps in Liddy's ankles. However, this is a normal process when a girl starts growing wings.

Dress code

Liddy's dress code is imagery showing readers her preferences and what is expected of her as she transitions to womanhood. The narrator says, "Liddy was wearing navy blue sweatpants, loose legs with an elastic cuff at the bottom. The cuffs held just below her knee when she pulled them up." The dress code, in this case, also signifies Liddy's preparation to grow wings on her legs. She is expected to cover her legs for a while before she exposes the wings to her fellow girls, who are also undergoing a similar transformation.

Transformation to womanhood

The narrator paints a picture of how young women experience secretive body changes before they mature. The narrator says, "Everything was baffling and secretive then, especially our bodies, sprouting all kinds of outgrowths that were meant to be hidden, desperately ignored and not discussed, hairs and lumps that could be weaponized against us." The connotation of this imagery is that womanhood is sacred, and every woman must go through certain stages in life to understand her place in society.

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