Leaves from the Mental Portfolio of a Eurasian Imagery

Leaves from the Mental Portfolio of a Eurasian Imagery

The imagery of Far's appearance

To some, Far looks too Asian, and for others, she looks too European. In reality, she is both, and although she doesn't really care about her own face, it seems that others can't help but care too much. The imagery of her own appearance is something that she must endure, knowing that some people will mistreat her or even harm her based off of nothing but how she looks to them.

New York

The Big Apple is obvious in terms of its imagery, but to Far it is inexpressibly big and formidable. The imagery includes depictions of cultural norms, the appearance of the masses and their style, and the city itself with its towering structures and its hustle and bustle. She is frequently overwhelmed by this imagery, and within this domain, her Asian culture is obvious and impossible to ignore. She enjoys aspects of city life, but the imagery is sometimes ominous and foreboding.

San Francisco

The images that define San Francisco are the many bridges that shape Bay life, the various metro stops that shape her daily life, and the cultural influx of Asian motifs. In those Asian communities, one might expect that since she is half-Chinese, she might be welcomed, but she is actually too American in appearance and culture for the strict Chinese culture of these areas. The aesthetic of the Bay is lovely, but her time there is transient.

The imagery of the midwest

Compared to the areas on either coast, the middle of the country is noticeably flat. Both the topography and the cities are less tall, so that a person can see much further into the distance, so the imagery is defined by long stretches of plains, farms, and wind breaks, and then the occasional cluster of towns. The agricultural aspect of this imagery is another sharp contrast from city life, and in the Midwest, there are fewer communities of immigrants.

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