Leaves from the Mental Portfolio of a Eurasian

Leaves from the Mental Portfolio of a Eurasian Analysis

This is an account of real life, so the author is a martyr for her own point of view. She uses her voice to share her compelling message that American racism is not only oriented towards black people, but also to those who belong to other ethnic minorities. She is frustrated by her mixed experience of race, not because her life is not diverse and beautiful—it is diverse and beautiful—but there are those who seem unable to notice anything about her other than her race.

The racism she encounters goes from minor to major. The minor racism occurs whenever people stop treating her like a normal person. That seems like a small thing, but it adds up, and the problem is that although to other people, she is a one-of-a-kind person, her experience of her community is that she is universally fetishized by people who think race means more than it does. Then there is the overt hateful racism that is lurking around the corners, which she occasionally encounters in horrifying, life changing, often traumatic events.

In California, she is exposed to the racism against Asian people in the Bay, which is sometimes extreme. Not only this, but her mixed ethnicity leaves her without a home, because the Chinese people resent her for not being fully Chinese. That means the Chinese community is equally racist, so that she can't blame white people or Americans alone. Her point of view is one that observes that racism is not an "American" problem, but a human problem, and one that has caused her much frustration and suffering.

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