Leave the World Behind Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Leave the World Behind Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Cell phones (Symbol)

Cell phones are one of the most powerful symbols in the novel. They are symbolic of the connectivity of the modern world. On people's cell phones, they are able to connect with people halfway around the world, read the news, and keep abreast of anything that may concern them in the world. In the world of Leave the World Behind, cell phones are useless because the power and Internet have gone out. That connectivity has been erased, and as a result, the characters in the novel are confused and searching for answers.

The cabin (Symbol)

The cabin which features prominently throughout the novel is symbolic of the racism of white people like Amanda. In the novel, for example, Amanda is perplexed when a black couple shows up at the doorstep of their cabin claiming to be the owners and demanding for a place to sleep. Amanda thinks that, because the cabin is so nice, the black couple couldn't possibly own it. She is thus skeptical and creates the main conflict of the novel.

The white deer (Symbol)

The white deer are perhaps the most powerful symbol in the novel. Because of the raging pandemic, it is revealed at one point in the novel that all next-generation deer will be born white. In that sense, the deer is symbolic of how quickly and unexpectedly the world is changing around the characters.

The arrival of flamingos (Motif)

A major motif in the novel is the arrival of the flamingos, which come near the characters many times. In one instance, for example, the flamingos arrive at a pool, something which they otherwise would not have done. This motif illustrates how the world has been turned on its head by the pandemic and emphasizes how quickly and unexpectedly the world is changing around the characters.

Vomit (Symbol)

One day, after doing some drinking, the characters likely become hungover and ultimately vomit. When they vomit, it comes out a strange color, leaving the characters perplexed. The vomit is symbolic of how the world was turned on its head by the pandemic. After all, the characters can't determine if they are simply hungover, or if they are sick - something they never would have had to think about before times.

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