Last Poems (1939) Glossary

Last Poems (1939) Glossary

shirk ("Under Ben Bulben")

to avoid doing

quattrocento ("Under Ben Bulben")

the 15th century

codger ("News For The Delphic Oracle")

an old, eccentric person

magnanimity ("The Bronze Head")


reverie ("The Bronze Head")

musings, daydream

bawd ("John Kinsella's Lament For Mrs. Mary Moore")

prostitute, harlot

ha'pence ("John Kinsella's Lament For Mrs. Mary Moore")

different spelling of halfpenny, a former British coin

piebald ("High Talk")

dappled black and white

bodkin ("The Man and The Echo")

old word for a dagger

enumerate ("The Circus Animals' Desertion")

to list, to count

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