Last Poems (1939) Characters

Last Poems (1939) Character List

The men of "The Black Tower"

These are old, humble men. Apparently they used to possess wealth, money, social standing, but now they are relics. Their needs are provided for internally, like a soldier steeling himself for battle. Though they are old and shaken by the wind, they persist.


He is a legendary Irish folk hero figure and protagonist of the poem "Chuchulain Comforted." He is known for having evaded death so many times, but he's a sad and troubled man having witnessed so much death.

The 100 year old man

He's the subject of "In Tara's Halls." A passionate lover, he has often provided well for his women, but he never asked for love in return. As he reaches 100, he tells his current lover that he's afraid the day he asks for love in return will be the day he truly feels old. He's a proud man who values his autonomy.

Pythagoras, Plotinus, Niamh, and Oisin

These characters of "News For the Delphic Oracle" are a pairing of Greek and Irish mythic figures. The first two are Greek divinity who appear to have retired. The second two are common Irish names. Placing both couples in the context of one another at the Oracle at Delphi, draws a sort of mutual relationship between various cultural mythologies as well as eliminating the barrier between the proverbial upper and lower class.

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