Last Child in the Woods Glossary

Last Child in the Woods Glossary

Baby boomers

People who were born between the years 1946 and 1964.


Characterized as the city.


Characterized as the areas surrounding the main city.

"patent-or-perish environment"

An environment where people are pressured to get things done and be successful.


The branch of science that studies animals.


Well paying or financially rewarding.

Attention-deficit disorders

A condition that causes individuals who have it to have difficulty focusing, also known as AD(H)D.


Characterized as having a diversity of life.

Nature-deficit disorder

A condition where people, especially children, are spending less time in nature. It is believed to be causing problems in behaviors.


Characterized as the city. It is an area where many people settle.


A large area of grassland, where that is no buildings or sign of city life.


A person who lived in a cave. Also used to characterize a person who is ignorant of what is going on around him or her.

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