Last Child in the Woods Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How have the societal agents molded the young generation's mentality regarding nature?

    Louv expounds, “Our society is teaching young people to avoid direct experience in nature. That lesson is delivered in schools, families, even organizations devoted to outdoors, and codified into the legal and regulatory structures of many of our communities. Our institutions, urban/ suburban design, and cultural attitudes unconsciously associate nature with doom-while disassociating the outdoors from joy and solitude.” The society underestimates the implication of nature. Societal structures have contributed actively in socializing and programing the young people’s mentalities concerning the doomed reality of nature. Accordingly, it would be impracticable for the conditioned parties to appreciate nature unconditionally.

  2. 2

    What is the foremost lifestyle shift ascribed to electronics?

    Louv reports, “It’s all this watching…We’ve become a more sedentary society. When I was a kid growing up in Detroit, we were always outdoors. The kids who stayed indoors were the odd ones. We didn’t have any huge wide-open spaces, but we were always outdoors on the streets-in the vacant lots, jumping rope or playing baseball or hopscotch.” Electronics inspire children to remain indoors so they can explore them. The electronics eliminate the desire and the need to exploit the outdoors. If the gadgets were non-existent, then children would play outdoors. Accordingly, the electronics have proliferated a lazy lifestyle whereby a noteworthy proportion of time is devoted to technology.

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