Krik? Krak!

Krik? Krak! Metaphors and Similes

"i will never go outside again. not even in the yard to breathe the air. they are always watching you, like vultures." (Danticat 5) (Simile)

Here the female narrator of “Children of the Sea” compares the macoutes to vultures. Carrion animals, vultures prey upon weak, dying, or dead organisms for sustenance. They lie in wait for their victims and take advantage of their vulnerability. In their relationship with Haitian citizens, the macoutes are like vultures. Under the Duvalier regime, pedestrian Haitians experienced a lack of civil rights and didn’t receive basic services from the Haitian government. This rendered them virtually powerless and susceptible to maltreatment. This empowered the macoutes, and, like vultures, they were able to attack and abuse innocent people in broad daylight without repercussions.

"Maybe the sea is endless. Like my love for you." (Danticat 15) (Simile)

In this simile the male letter writer compares his love for the female letter writer to the sea, claiming that it is as endless as the ocean. In his eyes, his love is as deep, enduring, tranquil, and powerful as the sea.

"Even in a flowered dress, she is lost in a sea of pinstripes and gray suits, high heels and elegant short skirts, Reebok sneakers, dashing from building to building." (Danticat 145) (Metaphor)

In “New York Day Women,” Suzette compares the hustle and bustle of Manhattan to the sea because of its fast pace and vastness. Amongst the eclectic mix of New Yorkers, Suzette’s mother is hard to see. This is similar to how objects caught in the foam and waves of the ocean can be hard to see.

"Then like the last burst of lightning out of clearing sky, the boy began." (Danticat 54) (Simile)

As part of a play at his school, Little Guy of “A Wall of Fire Rising” must memorize several monologues. These long speeches are full of revolutionary, incendiary words meant to electrify and galvanize listeners. Thus, it is apt to compare Little Guy’s recitation to a bolt of lightning.

Rose (Metaphor)

Rose is the abandoned, dead baby Marie “adopts” in “Between the Pool and the Gardenias.” When Marie first sees Rose, the infant is wrapped in a pink blanket and lying on the street next to an open sewer. For Marie, who has experienced several miscarriages, Rose is a gift from God. She compares the baby girl to famous biblical figures like Baby Moses and Baby Jesus.