Knight of Cups Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Knight of Cups Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Stray Dog

After being shown Rick’s haphazard lifestyle and his lost self, we see a dog jump in water to catch toys. The strange thing about this is that, the dog fails to catch the toys each time we see him try. This symbolically represents how Rick himself is unable to catch the pearl, meaning catch his sense of self or love.

Sea of Chaos

The Hermit title tag during the film leads to showing us Rick playing around with different women. Later, we see him attend a party where a lot of famous people seems to be present. This party chaotic party symbolically reflects Rick’s own situation as being lost in a sea of chaos, unable to find the pearl.

The Sea

Through the film, Rick goes on a journey of trying to find love and self. We see him with six different women. The women he feels closest to we see them and Rick standing near the coming waves on the beach. But we never see Rick go in it. Until he meets Elizabeth. He dives right into the water without fear. The coming waves symbolized Rick’s fears, yet when he meets Elizabeth he overcomes the waves and jumps in.

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