Knight of Cups Literary Elements

Knight of Cups Literary Elements


Terrence Malick

Leading Actors/Actresses

Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, and Natalie Portman

Supporting Actors/Actresses

Brian Dennehy and Antonio Banderas


Experimental Drama




Knight of Cups was nominated for no major awards

Date of Release

March 4, 2016


Nicolas Gonda, Sarah Green, and Ken Kao

Setting and Context

Los Angeles, California. The present day.

Narrator and Point of View

The film is told through the point of view of narrator Rick.

Tone and Mood

Ruminative, Sad, Empty, Mysterious, Magical, Mystical, and Strange

Protagonist and Antagonist

Rick (Protagonist) vs. Himself (Antagonist)

Major Conflict

The major conflict of the film involves Ricks inner struggle to find meaning and happiness in his life in the face of death and emotional trauma.


The climax of the film occurs when Rick and Elizabeth meet up.


Although instances of foreshadowing are few and far between in Knight of Cups, Rick falling into Hollywood's excesses is foreshadowed early on in the film.


The improvisational nature of the film is understated throughout the film

Innovations in Filming or Lighting or Camera Techniques

Although exceptionally well-shot and well-made (the films cinematographer is among the best—if not the best—working in film today), Knight of Cups was not innovative in filming or lighting or camera techniques.


Allusions were made to the following films and T.V. shows: Less Than Zero (1987), Twin Peaks, and Ted (2012). Allusions were also made to tarot (the names of the chapters particularly), mythology, religion, popular culture (all of the films, books, video games, and T.V. shows that are mentioned), and geography (of Los Angeles).


Rick is very successful and seemingly has everything, yet feels incredibly empty and unfulfilled.


Rick's story of excess is paralleled with the story of other people who also live lives of excess.

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