K. Saraswathi Amma: Short Stories Imagery

K. Saraswathi Amma: Short Stories Imagery

The temple

Most of the action in "The Subordinate" takes place inside a temple where the main character finds refuge after she runs away from home. The way in which the temple is described is extremely important because it creates an image of safety and acceptance. This feeling is not given by the building in itself but rather by the protection religion gives a person.

Women as powerless

Another important image is that of women as powerless creatures who are unable to take care of themselves and also take care of their children. This image puts the woman at the bottom of the food chain and also identifies them as the most wretched people on earth.

The village

Many of the characters live in isolated villages that are extremely impoverished and where a person does not have access to a lot of opportunities which will let them advance in life. The village is thus portrayed as a very bleak place, a space in which exists only suffering. This image is used to argue why so many people try to escape it and find a better life in bigger towns.

The Nair house

The Nair house, the place where Paru ends up working after she runs away from home is described at length by the narrator in the story. The house is portrayed as a veritable palace, where happiness and love are in abundance. Here Paru feels at home and accepted even though she is basically a slave in the house. The image of the house is important because it shows that having money comes with a lot of benefits and can be a primary source of happiness.

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