K. Saraswathi Amma: Short Stories Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why did Paru not return home after she found out that she is pregnant?

    Towards the middle of the story, Paru realizes she is pregnant but decides not to return home but rather to try to make it on her own. The reason why she may have decided not to return home is that she knew she will not be accepted because she got pregnant without having a husband. The woman's family would have been quick to disinherit the girl who got pregnant out of wedlock because this event brought great shame to the family. Thus, it may be because of this reason that Paru decided not to return home to her parents.

  2. 2

    What is a dowry and why did the family of the bride had to pay it?

    Dowry represents goods, money, land, or property the family of the bride pays to the family of the groom before the marriage takes place. Dowry is also known as the "bride price" and such practices were in the past commonly found all over the world. The argument behind the dowry is that a woman, even after getting married, is a burden to her husband and as such the girl's family has to pay some sort of compensation to the groom. The need to pay a dowry puts a great strain on the bride's family and nowadays it is largely outlawed. However, it still exists and is the main cause in many countries for violence against women.

  3. 3

    How are the female characters similar to the author?

    The female characters in the story are all independent and strong women who refuse to be treated as objects and to be humiliated by the men in their lives. In most cases, the main characters are unmarried and go to great lengths to assess their femininity and power. In this sense, all the main characters are similar to the author of the stories. She too decided not to get married even though there was a great deal of pressure coming from her family. The author was also financially independent and this was large because she had a good education and as such was able to earn her living. The main idea the author transmits is that a woman can live a happy and fulfilling life without getting married and having children. All she has to do is to learn how to stand up for herself and pursue what will make her happy.

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