Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts) Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the symbolic meaning of the big mirror in the bathroom?

    The mirror in the bathroom is an emblem of Zack’s sexual identity. Zack lives in denial because he does not want people to know he is gay. However, he realizes that he cannot escape his sexual identity whenever he looks at himself in the mirror. Zack is gay because he is sexually attracted to men. Besides kissing several boys and having sexual feelings toward them, Zack only believes that he is gay whenever he looks at himself in the mirror.

  2. 2

    Does gay culture emerge as one of the main themes?

    Same-sex relationships emerge as one of the main themes in the novel. Zack is the protagonist, and he narrates his sexual escapades with fellow boys both in school and outside. Therefore, sexual identity is a major concern that the author is focused on addressing. People like Zack do what some conservative elements of society consider immoral, but more progressive quarters argue that LBGTQ+ people must be respected and accorded their rights.

  3. 3

    What is unique about Zack compared to other characters?

    Zack is a paradoxical character who openly accepts that he is a "slut" and homosexual. Unlike other gay boys in the novel, Zack is not ashamed of his sexuality, and everyone knows that he is a homosexual. Zack accepts the offer to write a column on sexual advice in Jenna's blog. Many other characters send him sexually erotic questions asking for his advice.

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