It Ends With Us Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

It Ends With Us Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Domestic violence (motif)

Domestic violence is a motif that appears both in Lily's childhood, when she witnessed her father's abuse of her mother, and in the present day, when she suffers at the hands of Ryle. The novel shows, through Lily's story, how the cycle of domestic violence can be passed down from generation to generation and how it can be broken. It also demonstrates how difficult it can be to leave an abusive situation, and how a supportive network of family and friends can help. Domestic violence, according to the novel, does not always take the form of physical violence, but can also be emotional, verbal, or psychological abuse. Finally, the novel examines how even after leaving an abusive relationship, it can still take time to heal and move on.

Rooftop (symbol)

The rooftop represents Lily's growth process. Lily is a young college graduate amid grief and confusion at the start of the novel. The rooftop provides her with the opportunity to clear her mind and consider her life goals. She meets Ryle on the rooftop and begins a new relationship, which eventually leads her to find the courage to stand up for herself. Lily returns to the rooftop several times throughout the novel to reflect on her choices. When she meets Atlas on the roof, it represents redemption and closure. Lily has gone through a lot of self-discovery and reflection and is finally ready to make a decision that is true to who she is and will ensure her future happiness. The rooftop is thus a symbol of the journey of self-discovery and growth that Lily has gone through and a reminder of her strength and courage.

New beginnings (motif)

The motif of new beginnings is used to represent Lily's journey to a healthier future. Lily begins her new life after her father's death by working in a flower shop and meeting Ryle. She rereads her old journals and is confronted with memories of Atlas, whom she assisted years ago. She finds closure and learns to move on as a result of these memories. Ryle's relationship with her begins anew after he apologizes for his rage and they decide to marry. The new beginning, however, is cut short when Ryle's anger resurfaces. Lily finds herself in a new beginning after the incident, this time without Ryle. She finds strength in her relationships with her mother and Allysa, who both encourage her to leave Ryle. After the birth of her daughter, she makes a conscious decision to break the cycle of domestic violence and divorce Ryle. Finally, when she meets Atlas for the last time, she is ready for a new beginning with him.

Atlas’s gift to Lily (symbol)

Atlas' gift to Lily represents his unconditional love for her as well as his comprehension of the situation she is in. Atlas apologizes for not finding her sooner and for not being with her during her difficult times during their first meeting. He gives her a gift he bought for her six years ago when they were still close. This gift reminds Lily of their friendship and how Atlas was a source of comfort to her during her darkest days. Atlas's devotion to Lily and comprehension of her situation are symbolized by the gift. It serves as a reminder of his concern for her and the bond they shared. It also serves as a reminder of the possibility of a relationship between them in the future, when Lily is ready.

Forgiveness (motif)

In this novel, forgiveness is explored through Lily's journey. She must forgive herself for failing to protect her mother from her father's abuse, her father for the abuse he inflicted, Atlas for failing to find her, and Ryle for his rages. Lily's journey of forgiveness leads her to a better understanding of herself and her relationships in each of these situations. With her father's abuse, Lily realizes she must learn to forgive him to move on from her past. To be able to move forward in her life, she realizes she must forgive Atlas for not trying to find her and for leaving her in the first place. With Ryle, she must forgive him for his rages and his violence, to create a better life for her and her daughter. In the end, Lily is able to forgive all those involved and find a new sense of hope for her future.

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