It Ends With Us Quotes


“There is no such thing as bad people. We’re all just people who sometimes do bad things.”


The quote exemplifies humanity's capacity for both good and evil. It implies that, while people make mistakes and do bad things, no one is inherently bad. Everyone possesses the capacity for both good and evil, and it is up to them to determine which will prevail. It's also worth noting that people should not be judged solely on their mistakes, because everyone is capable of redemption. The quote serves as a reminder to be understanding and forgiving of the mistakes of others, as we are all capable of making them.

“Cycles exist because they are excruciating to break. It takes an astronomical amount of pain and courage to disrupt a familiar pattern. Sometimes it seems easier to just keep running in the same familiar circles, rather than facing the fear of jumping and possibly not landing on your feet.”

The Narrator

The quote examines the difficulty of breaking a habit, especially one that is familiar and comfortable. It is a reminder of the enormous pain and courage required to break free from a destructive cycle. There is a fear of the unknown, of not knowing what will happen next. It may appear easier to stay in the same cycle, even if it causes pain than to risk the fear of jumping and landing on your feet. It is a powerful reminder that, while it can be difficult, it is ultimately worthwhile.

“I think that’s one of the biggest signs a person has matured—knowing how to appreciate things that matter to others, even if they don’t matter very much to you.”

Lilly in her letter to Ellen

This quote emphasizes the importance of being able to recognize and appreciate things that are important to other people, even if they are not important to you. This is a sign of maturity because it demonstrates that the person can be understanding, compassionate, and empathetic toward others even if it does not directly benefit them. This level of empathy and understanding is required for the development and maintenance of meaningful relationships with others, both professionally and personally. It is also necessary for developing a better understanding of the world and its inhabitants. In the passage, the narrator was able to appreciate their friend’s show, even though they had grown out of it, which demonstrates their maturity as well as their ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes.

“Sometimes even grown women need their mother’s comfort so we can just take a break from having to be strong all the time.”

The Narrator

The quote implies that even grown women require the comfort of their mothers at times, particularly when confronted with difficult situations that require them to be strong. While it is important for women to be strong and self-sufficient, it is also important for them to recognize that it is acceptable to seek assistance and support from those close to them, such as their mothers. The quote suggests that it is not a sign of weakness to seek comfort from our mothers, but rather a way to take a break from the pressures of having to be strong all the time.

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