Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow Characters

Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow Character List

The narrator

The narrator can be considered as being a character as he presents the events described in the essays from a first person perspective point of view. The name of the narrator is not given but it is clear the essays are autobiographical events recalled by Jerome K. The narrator tackles the subjects discussed in the essays in a playful manner and gives the impression that even the worst things are not as bad as they seem at a first glance. A few details about his life can be found from those essays regarding the places he used to live and his financial situation. The writer confesses that he went through some hard times and that he once shared an attic with another friend of his. Despite this, he thinks with fondness about his past and no hints are made that would suggest that he regrets or resents what he went through. The narrator is generally a positive person who presents even the most tragic scenario in a humorous manner.

A doctor

In the first essay, a doctor is mentioned when the narrator talks about the time he was sick. No name is given and no other details are given about the doctor except the fact that he advised the narrator to stay in bed for a month in order to get better.

The grandmother

Also in the first essay, appears the narrator’s grandmother who admits that her grandson is too idle for his own good.

Edwin and Angelina

The couple is mention in the essay about love and it is hinted that the pair is close friends with the narrator. Because they just started a relationship, the writer feels compelled to give them advice on how to make their relationship last longer and how they can both be happy. Because of this, it is safe to assume that the narrator had a close relationship with the couple.

A niece

The narrator mentions one of his relatives in the fifth essay, a young girl who is his niece. She is presented as a sweet girl but also arrogant, a trait which in the writer’s opinion is common in all children.

Mrs. Cutting

Mrs. Cutting is the narrator’s charwoman who is mentioned in the seventh essay. About her, the narrator notes how she refuses to read anything else except the Bible but is a nice person nevertheless.


Gustavus is one of the dogs owned by the narrator, a large bred of dog who destroys everything in its path.


Tittums is the name given to a little cat owned by the narrator. Despite its size, the cat didn’t hesitate to get into a fight with Gustavus, the narrator’s dog.


Tim is another dog owned by the narrator, a much smaller dog than Gustavus but still very active and amusing for his master.

The parents

The narrator’s parents appear briefly in the eleventh essay about food and drinking. His father is presented as a stern and solemn man while the narrator’s mother is presented as being kind and loving.

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