Hurricane Season Summary

Hurricane Season Summary

Hurricane Season tells the historical story of a Mexican village, exploring its rich mythology. Filled with suspense and tension, the text could be considered a detective novel, however, it is also set in a world of superstition and mythology, making it a unique and harrowing read.

At the beginning of the novel, a body is discovered by a group of children, playing outside the village of La Matosa. It is revealed that this is the corpse of a witch, who is known and depended upon by some of the locals. As the locals try to discover what has happened, rumors spread around the village.

The novel explores why and how this murder took place, connecting the death to dark and violent mythology. We are given several different accounts about what happened before the witch's death, and hear various tales and legends about her. As readers we hear from a number of unreliable narrators, who each give their accounts of what happened, revealing new depths and horror and brutality.

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