Hurricane Season Irony

Hurricane Season Irony

Situational irony: The Witch

“An evil woman, it turned out, because, who knows how, some say with the devil in her ear”

It is ironic that the Witch is considered to be evil simply for her odd behavior and for throwing socially unacceptable orgies. Despite this, women still came for her help in terminating unwanted pregnancies or getting revenge on unfaithful spouses. So it begs the question whether she is truly evil at all?

Situational irony: Death of step-sons

“even the doctor from Villa concluded Manolo had died of a heart attack, but those pig-headed sons of his swore blind that he’d been poisoned”

It is ironic that the step-sons were determined to frame the Witch for the murder of their father but in turn, they themselves were later killed on the day of their father’s funeral “ under a stack of metal joists that slid off the truck in front.”

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