Happiness for Beginners

Happiness for Beginners Imagery

A Voice Suddenly Deeper (Auditory Imagery)

When members of the hiking group take turns introducing themselves, Jake goes last, speaking about himself in a way that garners positive attention. Helen comments that his introduction establishes him as the alpha of the group, which makes Beckett, their instructor, insecure about his own authority. Helen comments: "He stood as fast as he could to snatch back his position as leader, and, when Jake sat back down, Beckett demanded in a voice that sounded suddenly deeper, 'Does anybody know where we are?'" In this example of auditory imagery, Helen emphasizes Beckett's transparent attempt to regain authority as the group leader by making his voice sound more masculine.

Blurring By Out the Window (Visual Imagery)

On the bus ride from the lodge to the trailhead, Helen details the unique Wyoming geology, commenting: "Soon we were cutting through angles of pushed-up earth and zooming past striped rock sediments. The colors were so different here. On the East Coast, the rocks were all shades of gray, but here the earth was red and purple and orange, and the greenery was sparser, and the earth was sandier. I watched it blur by out the window, and I decided it was the change of colors, more than anything, that made me feel so very far from home." In this example of visual imagery, Helen describes how the unexpectedly vivid rock formations, while beautiful, make her feel alienated from her surroundings.

Wildflowers Bowing and Fluttering (Kinesthetic Imagery)

Although Helen exhausts herself to reach it, the Painted Meadow exceeds Helen's expectations with its stunning beauty. Helen calls it a "sunny green meadow with calf-height grass and wildflowers bowing and fluttering in the breeze." In this example of kinesthetic imagery, Helen captures the mesmerizing movement of the grass and flowers moving in the wind that blows over the meadow. Rather than simply detailing the fact there is grass and wildflowers, Center brings the image alive by describing the plants' movements.

Savoring the Smoky Juice (Gustatory Imagery)

During their summer solstice party in the Painted Meadow, Cookie grills three fish that the boys managed to catch in the stream that runs through the area. Helen comments: "The fish smelled mouthwatering as it cooked, and it tasted even better. I let my tongue caress every mouthful, savoring the smoky juice." In this example of gustatory imagery, Helen appreciates the taste of smoke that infuses into the fish when cooked over a campfire.