Grasshopper Jungle Metaphors and Similes

Grasshopper Jungle Metaphors and Similes

The ribboning of the paved of the paved roadways “like intestinal tapeworms”

The narrator uses a simile to bring out the imagery of the paved roadways as they ribbon after being ridden on by boys with their bicycles “like intestinal tapeworms.” This comparison enables the reader to develop a much deeper understanding of the portrayed events.

The closing down of shops and the blackening out of the mall “like cavities”

As the shops at the mall begin closing down after a year of operation, the writer brings out their closure through the use of a simile in which the blackening of the once ‘happy’ mall environment blackens out “like cavities” as people move out of the town. In a way, the simile brings out the reduction in the rates of activities following the moving out of people from the town to other places.

The treatment of Andrzej’s country “like a sausage between the dog jaws”

In the expression of how Andrzej’s country was greedily scrambled for by the neighboring empires, the narrator uses a simile in which he compares the same to a sausage between a dog’s jaws. In this way, the savage nature of the neighboring empires is brought out while at the same time hinting at the desire for freedom and stability

The echoing of footsteps “like sound effects in a horror film”

The echoing of the footsteps in the house is directly compared to that of sound effects in a horror film. In this direct comparison, the reader is able to conceptualize the loudness of the resulting sounds from the footsteps as well as their terrifying nature.

The floating of flowers on the wallpaper in Shann’s room “like stemless clones”

Shann’s room is brought out as relatively creepy. The wallpaper covering the walls of her room is said to be covered with flowers that seemed to float “like stemless clones with wide red stripes.” This simile enhances imagery.

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