Good Night, Mr. Tom

Good Night, Mr. Tom Imagery

The Rain

In the book, there are many moments of pouring rain which force the characters to stop their activities and run inside for cover. In "Equipped," for example, Tom and Willie are doing errands in the village when the "sky splits open" (56) in torrential rain. This image of sudden weather change is reflective of the greater theme in the book about the unpredictable changes of life.

Hedge Sparrow

Early on in the book, Tom and Willie take a walk into town and Tom spots a small hedge sparrow, pointing it out to Willie. Birds are also mentioned throughout the story. This image of the sparrow as "dainty" and "shy" (19) is meant to parallel Willie, who is very scrawny and nervous upon first arriving in Weirwold.

Carrie Dressed in Boy's Clothes

In the last chapter, Carrie visits Will and dresses in boy's clothes so that it will be easier for her to ride the bicycle with Will to the riverbank. Wearing uncharacteristic braces and shorts and perching on the back of Will's bike makes for a humorous sight. On their ride, Carrie is spotted by Annie Hartridge, who stares "in amazement," causing the children to "shriek with laughter" (313).

The Run-Down London Neighborhood

When Tom goes to find Willie in London, he is taken through an unfamiliar landscape, defined by its darkness and poverty, such as its "small dilapidated tenements" that are "huddled together." This imagery makes for a stark contrast between the rough city neighborhood where Willie is from and the bucolic countryside of Little Weirwold.