Florida Summary

Florida Summary

Florida is a collection of short stories written by author Lauren Groff, in which she explores the mysteries and darkness of humanity. In the collection, she explores the threats we face in everyday life, from the perspective of a number of unique characters. This is an eclectic mix of stories set across time and experiences, but ultimately the location of Florida connects them all.

Ghosts and Empties

In this story, the protagonist is a woman who goes for a walk every evening. On her route, she observes the world around her, contemplating her own life and the lives of other people.

Dogs Go Wild

This story is about two girls who are trapped on a remote island, with threats all around them. Ultimately, the story is about abuse, childhood, adulthood, and the male threat facing women.

Snake Stones

"Snake Stones" is about a woman who helps a girl who finds herself in a dangerous situation. However, the woman receives no thanks for the help she gave, which leads her to contemplate morality, good and evil, and the metaphorical "snakes" people face on a daily basis.

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