Florida Metaphors and Similes

Florida Metaphors and Similes


In this collection, Florida is ultimately a metaphor for "the unexpected," that lurks behind everyday life. Although the state of Florida is the last setting we might expect for a gothic story, Groff shows that often appearances can be deceptive.


Snakes are found often in Groff's stories, likely due to the large number of snakes in Florida. Ultimately, snakes represent the hidden threats we face in our daily lives, including from untrustworthy and deceptive people

The men on the island

In "Dogs Go Wild," two girls are trapped on an island and encounter two men, who end up being a threat. Ultimately, these men are a metaphor for the male threat women face in their daily lives.

The Island metaphor

The island the girls are trapped on is ultimately a metaphor for isolation. This metaphorical island is a place many women can find themselves on, after experiencing abuse at the hands of men. This is something Groff writes about in her writings and is symbolized by the island in this story.

The ungrateful girl

The girl who does not seem thankful for the kind deeds of the narrator is a metaphor for a general lack of morality and kindness in society. This idea is seen throughout Groff's stories and is present in most of them.

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