Fish in a Tree Irony

Fish in a Tree Irony

A.C Petersen Farms

The first thought that comes to the reader when he comes across the name A.C. Petersen Farms is that it is located in a rural area with adequate space to rear domesticated dairy animals and birds. Ironically, Petersen Farms is a restaurant located on a busy street parked up with many stores. The reader does not expect the farms to be within the busy streets. The narrator says, “When I finally get to Park Road, I head into A.C. Petersen Farms, which is a weird name for a restaurant. They have pictures of cows inside and outside but it is on a busy street with tons of stores.”

The irony of dinosaurs

The reader finds it ironic that the dinosaurs can have the ability to drink a steaming coffee when the narrator says, "So instead I stare at the steaming liquid dripping into a coffeepot and start thinking of steaming volcanoes. And dinosaurs standing around drinking coffee, staring up at the giant meteor soaring through the air, commenting on how pretty it is." Despite this being personification, the reader still finds it satirical that any creature can consume a steaming coffee.

The Irony of Travis

The smell of grease is pissing off for many, but it is sarcastic that the narrator finds it pleasing. When she sees her brother, he smells like grease. She goes farther to say that her brother looked like he rolled in grease. The reader expects the sister to get annoyed because of the foul odor that comes from her brother. Paradoxically, the narrator finds the smell attractive, and it makes her feel better. The narrator says, "The backdoor swings open and my brother, Travis, is there, smelling like grease. Looking like he rolled in it. And I instantly feel better.

The Irony of inviting consequences

Ally is adamant about talking to Mrs. Silver in her office. She decides to ignore all her questions and chooses to remain quiet. The reader finds it sarcastic that Ally is fond of inviting trouble and annoying her teachers. Ally says that avoiding causing negative consequences in her life is like the rain avoiding the sky. Ally says, "As of Monday, your new teacher will be Mr. Daniels. Let’s try to avoid any negative consequences, Okay? I think how me avoiding consequences would be like the rain avoiding the sky.” Mrs. Silver tells Ally that she will have a new teacher starting Monday. She reminds of behaving well to avoid negative consequences. However, Ally is adamant because to her, causing trouble is part of her life.

The Irony of the school buses

Ally is studying in a school where she is ferried to and out of school. It is the wish of any school-going child not to walk home on foot. Ironically, Ally sometimes prefers to miss the school bus and walk home by herself, a distance that she cannot cover. When Ally is headed to the school buses, she says, “The buses are pulling away without me. But that is the way it should be, I guess. I deserve to walk. All that long way. And all by myself.”

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