Firefight: The Reckoners Book Two Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the emblematic meaning of the character Jonathan Phaedrus?

    Jonathan is used in the Firefight: The Reckoners Book Two by the author to embody astuteness and latency. Before David does anything, he consults Jonathan for guidance. Jonathan provides accurate information which helps David to navigate through all circumstances and situations. Therefore, the author depicts Jonathan as a pictogram of aptitude.

  2. 2

    Why is David not giving up on Megan?

    David is among the people who believe that giving up is not an option in whatever he does. He is after Megan and he is hopeful that one day she will be his wife. However, Megan seems to be of a different opinion because she is not interested in love and she is doing everything possible to ignore his advances towards her. For instance, when David tries to kiss her, she turns away. David believes that once he is able to kiss Megan, she will fall for him. However, things take a drastic change once they kiss each other because Megan decides to leave and go to a far place leaving David behind. Despite David’s resilience and hopefulness, his wishes are not granted.

  3. 3

    Why is it imperative for people to join forces against a familiar adversary according to Brandon Sanderson?

    The author has portrayed characters in the Firefight: The Reckoners Book Two as people who believe in unity and work together achieve specific goals. The readers find this novel educative and inspiring because it explains the power of togetherness. Most of the characters in the novel are joining hands to oppose the oppressor’s move to undermine their existence. Consequently, it is imperative to unite against the adversaries.

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