Fahrenheit 451


  1. ^ a b During Captain Beatty's recounting of the history of the firemen to Montag, he says, "Out of the nursery into the college and back to the nursery; where there's your intellectual pattern for the past five centuries or more." The text is ambiguous regarding which century he is claiming began this pattern. One interpretation is that he means the 20th century, which would place the novel in at least the 24th century. "The Fireman" novella, which was expanded to become Fahrenheit 451, is set in October 2052.
  2. ^ Clarisse tells Montag she is "seventeen and crazy", later admitting that she will actually be seventeen "next month".
  3. ^ Bradbury is referring to the 1966 adaptation of the book, for he died five years before the next film adaptation ever released in 2018, and therefore would not be aware of it.
  4. ^ "The Pedestrian" would go on to be published in The Reporter magazine on August 7, 1951, that is, after the publication in February 1951 of its inspired work "The Fireman".
  5. ^ In early editions of the book, Montag says, "We've started and won two atomic wars since 1960", in the first pages of The Sieve and the Sand. This sets a lower bound on the time setting. In later decades, some editions have changed this year to 1990 or 2022.

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