Eye in the Sky (Film) Themes

Eye in the Sky (Film) Themes

Moral and Ethical Dilemma

The film is a war drama that takes place both in the confines of military offices and bases and on the ground. As such, places the characters in an ethical dilemma regarding the execution of a mission that could claim innocent lives. Drone warfare has surpassed certain limitations of other military strategies but also comes with more moral ambiguity. For instance, the location of their target is in a country that is both a friend to the United States and the United Kingdom. Therefore, the ethical quandary of attacking terrorists with possible collateral damage hounds the military and government officials.

Bureaucracy and Red Tape

The film begins with the British Colonel at the helm of a military operation until bureaucratic protocols come in the way. The military officers have to seek the approval of their superiors and politicians to ensure that they are not violating any international laws. Furthermore, they are consulting the legal counsels in case of any legal repercussions following the execution of the drone strike. The entire film is about the back and forth between the officials and the red tape involved in such a decision. During this bureaucracy, almost all the branches of government become involved in the process of approving the attack. Moreover, it involves two nations thereby more legal processes to navigate before concluding.

Cost of War

The main theme that remains unsaid until the end of the film but felt throughout is the cost or the toll of war. Though the officer controlling the drone is in a military base away from the field, he still feels the pressure of combat. The conflict between the military officials and the government ministers arises from their opinions on the cost of war. Though the generals are viewed as giving commands from the safety of their offices they bear the weight of warfare too. As the lieutenant general clarifies in the end that you can “Never tell a soldier that he does not know the cost of war.”

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