Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing Summary

Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing Summary

The play open with Zachary waking up naked after NanaBush (a shape-shifting trickster) Gazelle has kissed him on the buttcheek. Big Joey enters his house to find that Zachary has slept with his wife. He says he will let it pass if he tells the board to let him start his radio show instead of them backing Zachary's bakery. If he doesn't Big Joey threatens to tell Zachary's wife, Hera that he slept with his wife, and he will give her proof. A picture and his undershorts. Zachary won't agree and runs off to work out number for his new bakery in order to report back to his wife as they are supposed to have a meeting about the businesses specifics

We learn that Creature Nataways was once married to Gazelle Nataways, who now lives with Big Joey, and whom Zachary has just slept with. And the big new that has come is that the women of the reservation have decided to form a hockey team, and Pierre St. Pierre has been hired to be the referee for the games. Throughout the play we watch as Nanabush changes form in order to enact the men's phobias and fantasies about women.

The plot moves the men towards the inevitable hockey game where the women end up fighting one another as all hell breaks loose on the ice. Big Joey calls the game as the radio broadcaster as the other men watch. The men's fears about the women playing hockey have come true in this misogynistic fantasy that we learn has been Zachary's dream. He didn't sleep with NanaBush Gazelle, he was asleep at home on his own couch and his wife, Hera kisses him on the buttcheek and hands him their son. And, the play ends with Zachary naked holding up his naked son.

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