Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing Imagery

Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing Imagery

NanaBush Gazelle

In the opening scene we watch as Gazelle Nataways climbs above the room to a perch. The imagery shows us that there is something happening here that isn't realistic as Gazelle had just come from sleeping with Zachary in the room.

Man and Child

The end of the play has Zachary standing naked holding his child above his head. This imagery creates a beautiful picture of father and child. It shows the hope for the relationship to come between a man and son and how it has just begun.


The women's hockey game becomes complete chaos as we see the men yelling from the bleachers. The imagery shows their nightmare about the women playing hockey coming true in a much different way than they had expected.

Safety Pin

Throughout the play, Zachary's pants are being held together by a large safety pin. The imagery is a constant reminder that Zachary has chosen to forego helping Big Joey, thus putting his marriage in jeopardy, in order to open his bakery.

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