Dirty Pretty Things

Dirty Pretty Things Summary and Analysis of Part 4


At the factory, Senay's manager approaches her during the lunch break and brings her to the back to perform oral sex. In the middle of it, she bites him and flees the factory, stealing some clothes on the way. She goes to the cab station and waits for Okwe, who finds her in the back with the clothes. She holds up the clothes and tells him how much each item costs, intending to sell them. She tells him what happened at the factory and they go to her apartment, then to the hospital to Guo Yi's office.

"What is this place, Okwe?" she asks, and he tells her that she can sleep there that night. He promises her they will find her somewhere to live, and she puts her head to his breast to listen to his heart. Okwe irons a shirt and cries while he does so, overwhelmed by his situation.

At the hotel, the telephone at the front desk rings and Okwe is called up to room 515. When he arrives upstairs with a bottle of champagne, Sneaky calls him into another room, where a woman is sitting on the bed, in need of medical help. "Help me brother," she insists, but Okwe refuses, holding Sneaky at knifepoint. Sneaky just laughs at him and calls him out for thinking he is morally superior to everyone. Exasperated, Okwe runs from the room and leaves the hotel.

At the hospital, Okwe finds Senay and Guo Yi. Senay has apparently stayed outside all night, distressed by the crematorium. Pulling Okwe aside, Guo Yi tells him that his cousin has a place in Chinatown where there will be room for both him and Senay. "You do realize that she's in love with you, don't you? I've been with her 20 minutes and I know it," Guo Yi says.

Okwe and Senay walk past a cemetery later, and Senay notes that Okwe is not chewing on the khat anymore and compliments his eyes. He tells her that he is married and that they can no longer see each other. As Senay asks Okwe if he loves his wife, he tells her to go to the room in Chinatown, and that the immigration police dare not go there. He gives her some money as she asks him if he loves his wife. "For you and me there is only survival!" he yells at her, and she leaves, deflated.

Senay goes to Sneaky and tells him she wants to go to America. He takes her to a room at the hotel and she closes the door behind her. At the cafe, Okwe stares at a chess board.

In the hotel room, Senay takes a shower and feels her body, when Sneaky knocks on the door with some paperwork. For the paperwork, she tells him she's 22, and that on her passport she wants to be an Italian named "Isabella Encarico." When Sneaky asks if she's sure that's Italian, Senay tells him, "She owns a cafe in New York." Meanwhile, Okwe goes to find Senay in Chinatown.

At the hotel, Sneaky quizzes Senay about her new identity, the fact that she is becoming an Italian girl from Napoli. "The trick, Senay, is to believe you are the new person. If you believe it inside, then the immigration will believe it," he tells her. He begins to touch her and seduce her, but she picks up a champagne bottle and threatens to hit him with it. When she refuses to have sex with him, he rips up her paperwork and begins to leave. Before he does, she stops him. "I want the whole thing, that's the deal," Sneaky says, suggesting he wants her virginity. They have sex.

When they are finished, Sneaky tells Senay that Okwe left Africa because he murdered his own wife. Senay cries on the bed, as Sneaky instructs her not to eat or drink for 24 hours. As Okwe approaches the hotel, he asks Ivan if Senay is there, then goes up to her hotel room.

in the room, Senay tells Okwe she needs a morning after pill. As Sneaky drives out of the hotel parking lot, Okwe steps in front of the car and tells him that he will operate on Senay himself, to assure that she won't die, and that in return he wants a passport.

Juliette visits Senay in her room and gives her a morning after pill. Senay tells Juliette that she was a virgin and they share a cigarette. "What a pair, a virgin and a whore," Juliette says.


In this section, Senay fights back against her subjugation at the factory, unwilling to put up with her manager's coercive behavior. Pushed to her limits by the injustices she is subjected to, she decides to make a run for it, and luckily, she has the goodhearted Okwe to help her. Together, they begin to fight back against their suffering as immigrants, and try and etch out a tenable existence for themselves.

Okwe stays true to his morals, even in times of great desperation. His nobility becomes his only safety as well as his greatest curse in the underground world of illegal immigration. When Sneaky invites him into a room at the hotel, threatening to have him deported if he doesn't comply with his demands, Okwe holds his boss at knifepoint, angered at being coerced into performing medical tasks. Sneaky's reply is a taunting one: "The whole world is wrong except you, Okwe?"

In this section, the intimacy between Okwe and Senay is finally revealed to be romantic, when Guo Yi frustratedly tells Okwe, "You do realize that she's in love with you, don't you?" Although they have maintained steady boundaries with one another, keeping their intimacy friendly and conspiratorial, a romantic connection has blossomed between the two immigrants. Okwe and Senay cannot help but feel their love for one another, in the wake of all the difficulties they have endured.

Complicating this mutual love is Okwe's admission that he has a wife, and his refusal to let himself feel the love he has for Senay. After telling her he has a wife, he insists that they can no longer be friends, and sends her to Chinatown. When Senay asks him if he loves his wife, Okwe can only tell her, "For you and I there is only survival!" In this moment, Okwe is unable to access his feelings, clinging instead to his own sense of what is right. While Okwe's elevated sense of what is right protects him, preventing him from descending into the immoral underground of the organ market, it also becomes a barrier to his own happiness, and prevents him from connecting with the woman he clearly loves.

In order to buy her freedom, Senay must go against everything she wants and believes and submit to the coercive violence of the predatory men in her life. In exchange for helping her get out of London, Sneaky insists on taking her virginity, a price that she refuses at first. When it becomes clear that she will not be able to escape unless she gives Sneaky her body, Senay agrees, once again falling victim to sexual violence. It is a tragic moment in the film, a moment when Senay is completely without defenses, forced to barter with her own body.