Dirty Pretty Things

Dirty Pretty Things Irony

Pork and Lamb (Situational Irony)

One night at her apartment, Okwe makes dinner for Senay. As they eat it, he tells her that it is traditionally made with pork and a look of panic spreads across Senay's face. As a Muslim woman, she cannot eat pork, and it seems as though Okwe has overlooked this fact in making them dinner. Moments after, however, Okwe reveals that he substituted lamb for pork, assuaging Senay's fear.

Okwe hiding in the shower (Dramatic Irony)

In the process of trying to figure out what is happening in the hotel, Okwe goes up to room 510 and snoops around looking for answers. When he hears Juliette and a client coming into the room, he hides in the shower and listens. In this moment, the viewer knows that Okwe is hiding, while Juliette and the client do not, creating some dramatic irony.

Okwe poses as a cleaner at the hospital (Dramatic Irony)

At one point, Okwe cannot find Guo Yi, his friend at the hospital who usually supplies him with pharmaceuticals. In order to get medications to help treat the victims of Sneaky's botched surgeries, he poses as a cleaner, donning a uniform and pretending to mop in a backroom. The doctors speak to him as though he is just a member of the staff, but they have no idea that he himself is an accomplished doctor who is stealing medications from the hospital.

Senay is awake (Dramatic Irony)

At the end of the film, in exchange for new passports for himself and Senay, Okwe agrees to perform a surgery on Senay to extract her kidney. He tells Sneaky that Senay is anesthetized on the operating table, then hands him a beer to drink during the surgery. In the middle of drinking the beer, Sneaky passes out, as the beer was clearly drugged, and Senay jumps off the operating table, having not been put under. In this moment, we the audience know something that Sneaky does not.