Dial A for Aunties Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does burden emerge as one of the main themes in Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto?

    The theme of burden is predominant throughout the novel because the author explores the struggles Meddelin goes through while trying to comprehend her identity. For instance, Meddelin is weighed down by the things and people she is attached to because they have different expectations of her. Meddelin is obliged to do what her family expects of her despite having a different opinion. Consequently, Meddelin cannot do anything that her family has not approved. Meddelin loves her mother and aunties, but she does not like how they control her actions. Therefore, Meddelin is not a happy soul. After all, she does not do what she loves because everything she does must follow her family's expectations.

  2. 2

    What is the symbolic meaning of the Korean Pear?

    In the novel Dial A for Aunties, the Korean pear is used to symbolize normalcy. For instance, Ma directs Meddelin to rind the Korean pear and prepare it before the arrival of the visitors. According to Ma, the visitors must be given food to ensure they do not suspect anything. Behind the scenes, Ma directs Meddelin’s aunties to remove Jake's body and dispose of it to ensure no one knows about his death. Therefore, the author figuratively uses the Korean pear to symbolize normalcy.

  3. 3

    Is Meddelin guilty of killing Jake?

    Meddelin is a girl who lives in confusion because her life is driven by the decisions made by the people around her. The decision of Meddelin to date Jake is arranged by her mother when she connects them through social media. Meddelin is not in love with Jake, but she is obliged to obey her mother and date, Jake. While driving back from the date, Jake tries to attack Meddelin, and she pushes him, leading to a car crash that kills him instantly. Meddelin wakes after a while to realize that Jake is dead and she is guilty. She carries the body in her truck home, and her mother directs the aunts to hide it in the fridge. Consequently, Meddelin is guilty of killing Jake despite doing it in self-defense.

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