Dial A for Aunties Characters

Dial A for Aunties Character List

Meddelin Chan

Meddelin is the central character and narrator in the novel Dial A for Aunties. Meddelin finds herself in an identity crisis because she does not make her own decisions. For instance, whatever Meddelin does must be approved by her family. Ma and Meddelin's three aunties are the biggest influencers of her actions.

Meddelin only dates Jake because her mother arranged the date through a social network. Meddeelin finds herself in a fix because everything she does must be approved by her mother and other family members. According to her, the issues of dating and selecting a suitor should be left for her to choose.


Ma is Meddelin's mother, and she does everything within her power to control her daughter's life. Whenever Meddelin does something without her approval, she gets annoyed. Ma and her three sisters have the biggest influence on Meddelin's life. Ma's sisters are widows and have lost all their sons.

Ma’s sisters are single and they think that Meddelin should be like them in most situations. Ma’s sisters work with her in their catering business, which involves preparing for weddings, and ensuring visitors are served the right food.

Meddelin’s Aunties

Meddelin has three aunties who are the biological sisters of her mother. The three aunties are widows, and all their sons are dead. The aunties live a miserable life and project their anger at Meddelin. For instance, the three aunties always pressure Meddelin to do things she doesn't like.


Jake is Meddelin's boyfriend at present. Ma organizes the relationship between Jake and Meddelin. When Meddelin goes on a date with Jake, she gets drunk, and Jake decides to drive her home in her car. While on their way, Jake attempts to attack Meddelin, and she pushes him, leading to a crash that leads to his death. Later, Ma discovers that Jake is well known to her, and he goes by the name Ah Guan.


Nathan is Meddelin's first boyfriend in the past. The first section of the novel switches back and forth; in the past, Nathan and Meddelin are lovers. Meddelin remembers that she got her first kiss from Nathan. In the present, Meddelin realizes that Nathan is the owner of the luxurious hotel on the island where the wedding is supposed to occur. Later, Nathan is arrested for allegations of being the main suspect in Jake's murder. Towards the novel's end, Nathan is released and reunites with Meddelin, and he proposes to her.


Jacqueline is the bride, and she is engaged to Ah Guan. The wedding between Jacqueline and Ah Guan is supposed to take place in the luxurious hotel on the island. However, Jacqueline does not know that Ah Guan is dead. Ma and her group secretly arrange to dump Ah Guan’s body in the ocean without any suspicion.


Maureen is Jacqueline's maid of honor. While Meddelin is taking photographs with Jacqueline and Maureen, her aunties steal a tuxedo to dress Ah Guan. Secretly, Maureen plots to steal wedding gifts and blame Meddelin, but she is beaten in her own game. Meddelin steals the wedding gifts and hides them in Maureen's room. Later, the hotel security arrests Maureen.

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