"Desiderata" and Other Poems Summary

"Desiderata" and Other Poems Summary

Max Ehrmann was an American writer born in Indiana in 1872. He is known for his uplifting and positive verses. Informing his readers about how to live a content and spiritual life, Ehrmann as a poet is inspirational and powerful, encouraging readers to carry on through difficult times.


Desiderata is an inspirational poem, filled with advice about how to live a fulfilling life. In this poem, Ehrmann suggests approaching life with an attitude of gratitude, peace, and calmness. It is a very good poem to quote from, with lines such as "Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans," and "Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection."

Desiderata is essential advice from one person to another in the form of poetry. It has been upheld as a great inspirational poem alongside other classics such as "If" by Rudyard Kipling and "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley.

A Prayer

A Prayer is perhaps Ehrmann's most well-known poem after Desiderata. The poem focuses on spiritual themes and encourages devotion to religion and one's own inner strength through times of hardship.

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