"Desiderata" and Other Poems Quotes


"I am determined to do something about it. I cannot hope to convert many persons. To convert one person, I shall do well. I will begin with the person I know best- myself."

The Speaker, "Reforming Oneself"

The speaker of "Reforming Oneself" begins the poem by telling us that he wishes there were more "kindly persons" in the world. Although he wants to remedy this, he realizes that the only person he can truly change is himself. This is a deep insight into his limited capabilities and where his power truly lies; although he does not have the power to change other people, he is capable of making the world a little better by becoming kinder himself.

"If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself."

The Speaker, "Desiderata"

In "Desiderata", Ehrmann offers some great life advice. This includes the above statement, which essentially reiterates the idea that "comparison is the thief of joy." Here, Ehrmann suggests that comparison is a bad habit and that it will not only make a person unhappy but is also futile, as there will always be people better and worse than oneself.

"Let me do my work each day; and if the darkened hours of despair overcome me, may I not forget the strength that comforted me in the desolation of other times."

The Speaker, "A Prayer"

In "A Prayer," the speaker tells us about the ways he copes with difficult times. Here, he acknowledges the fact that he has the strength to overcome what the future has in store, as he has overcome the difficulties of the past already. This is a great attitude to have, as it gives someone a sense of courage and reassurance that they are capable to cope with whatever life throws at them.

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