Days of Abandonment

Days of Abandonment Analysis

Ferrante's novel describes the complex emotional fallout which a woman experiences after her husband leaves her and their children. Suddenly a single mother, Olga is forced to re-frame her lifestyle and parent her kids alone. The book illustrates her journey of grief as she works toward final acceptance.

A story of empowerment, Days of Abandonment portrays Olga as a conqueror. Though she struggles throughout the novel, she does eventually come to peace with her fate. She deals with the stages of grief and the logistical trouble of being a single mother to the best of her ability. While she is incapacitated by despair at times, she finds the discipline and strength within herself to take charge of her situation. Nothing changes in her circumstances, but internally she alters how she responds. This is true empowerment.

To any person struggling with abandonment or to single parents, this novel may provide a sense of hope and direction. Ferrante doesn't tell her readers how to respond to these problems, but she presents the story of someone who finds a way to work through her issues and emerge stronger on the other side. Due to her emotional depth of description, Ferrante is able to paint a detailed image of Olga's mental processes. She does not relate a series of events; she crafts a chain of thoughts and emotions. This attention to the mental anguish of abandonment helps readers fully experience along with Olga her journey to mental health and peace.

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