Daughter of Venice Metaphors and Similes

Daughter of Venice Metaphors and Similes

The appearance of Andriana's knuckles

Andriana's knuckles' appearance is enhanced through the narrator's use of a simile to compare their color to that of white beads. In this way, the reader is able to develop a good understanding of her knuckles color. The narrator notes: "Andriana's hands are in her lap, the fingers of one squeezed in the other so hard that her knuckles stand out like white beads."

The blobs of lemon pulp clung to Andriana's hair

The narrator uses a simile to present the appearance of the blobs of lemon pulp that get stuck on to Andriana's hair. The narrator notes: "Translucent blobs of lemon pulp cling to Andriana's hair here and there like tiny baubles." In this way, imagery is enhanced.

The pain from the splinter of wood stuck in the narrator's shoe

As the splinter of wood breaks off in the narrator's sole, she has to dig it out using a needle. The narrator uses a simile to emphasize the pain, directly comparing the burning sensations to that of the fires of eternal damnation: "Now the only way to get it out is to dig at it with a needle. And, Blessed Mary forgive me, but it burns like the fires of eternal damnation."

The voices of the boys singing

"The high, sweet voices rise into the late-morning sunlight like doves." The narrator's use of this simile to present the boys rising voices enhances imagery, as the comparison evokes a sense of familiarity and enhances the appeal. The comparison of the boys' voices to doves also enhances the reader's perception of the boys' voices as pure.

Messer Cuttlefish standing over the massive book

The imagery of Cuttlefish standing over the massive book is enhanced via the employment of a simile. The narrator compares his posture to that of a guard. The narrator notes: "Messer Cuttlefish has a massive book, so massive that it has to be wheeled around when it's not sitting on a shelf. He stands over it like a guardsman."

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