Code of Honor Background

Code of Honor Background

Alan Gratz is a fictional author, and he has made headlines with famous titles of his work, including Prisoner and War on Terror. The latest is The Code of Honor, a fictional novel set in Phoenix, Arizona, and is told from the third person perspective. The novel tells the story of Kamran Smith and his family's challenges when it was discovered that their kin was the primary suspect in the terrorist attack that involved the bombing of the United States embassy in Turkey.

Kamran is in his senior year in school, and everything is going well. In the homecoming celebration, Kamran and his girlfriend, Julia, have been crowned King and Queen. Julia comes from a wealthy and respectable family, but that does not prevent her from falling in love with Kamran. Kamran is looking forward to graduating soon from West Point and following in the footsteps of his brother Darius. Darius is a US Army Ranger and is Kamran's role model.

One day, sad news reaches the family that Darius is a terrorist and the main suspect in the US embassy bombing in Turkey. Since Darius was posted in Afghanistan, the family does not know he joined Al-Qaida. Everything starts crumbling down for Kamran, and his dreams and ambitions become impaired with the developing news. The police descend on the family, putting them into custody for several months for questioning.

Alan Gratz’s novel The Code of Honor received several positive reviews, becoming one of his bestselling books. The novel reflects on terror and its negative impact on the families of the terror suspects. The novel won the Reader's Choice Award in 2015 and 2016, respectively, in Missouri. The Code of Honor's other awards includes Junior Book Award and Grand Canyon Reader Award between 2015 and 2016.

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