Clifford's Blues Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How is the Nazi Party violating human rights by sending the homosexuals like Clifford to concentration camps?

    The issue of homosexuality is a controversial topic even in the contemporary society. During the Nazi Party days in Germany, anybody suspected of homosexuality is sent to a concentration camp as a punishment. Clifford is a homosexual and he finds himself rounded in a concentration camp to pay for the sins he is not aware of. Homosexuality is an individual's desire to be intimate with a person of a similar sex. Therefore, homosexuality should be not be considered as a crime because it does not violate the rights of others. Consequently, the Nazi Party is violating human rights by punishing homosexuals.

  2. 2

    What is the significance of the character ‘The Nazi Officer’ as used in Clifford's Blues?

    The author uses the character 'The Nazi Officer' as a symbol of impunity put forward by the Nazi Party. The crusaders of the Nazi Party are evil people but they carry themselves as holy beings who have the moral standing to punish homosexuals like Clifford. The Nazi Officer has a criminal record but he is comfortably recruited into the Nazi Army. This officer batters Clifford and treats him as a slave. Therefore, The Nazi Officer is used in the book to represent the impunity of the Nazi Party in German.

  3. 3

    What does Clifford Pepperidge mean when saying, “Just wait till they find all the other camps?”

    This statement by Clifford is an indication that lies do not last because at some point truth will come out. According to Clifford, the forces of nature and revelation are powerful and can destroy lies at any point. He says this statement to condemn the tendency of Germans of living in denial and pretend that they have not heard about the presence of Auschwitz and its resolution. To the reader, it is a life lesson that truth is the main weapon that can set one free. Otherwise, living in denial is equated with living in a lie. Therefore, one cannot have peace of mind when knowing outrightly that he is living a lie. The good thing, however, is that the truth can stand anything and come out last.

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