City of Ashes



  • Clarissa Adele "Clary" Fray: She is a seemingly normal human, discovers a hidden world of Shadowhunters – supernatural beings who fight demons. She learns she is one of them, her father is the infamous villain Valentine Morgenstern, and her beloved friend Jace is both a Shadowhunter and her brother. This revelation upends her life, forcing her to embrace her newfound powers and confront the darkness that surrounds her family.
  • Jonathan Christopher "Jace" Wayland: Jace their father is the antagonist of the story, named Valentine Morgenstern, who is known for being villainous, and his newfound love interest, life is turned upside down when she discovers her newfound powers, leading her to confront a sinister force threatening her family. Shadowhunters are elite warriors with exceptional skills and a captivating demeanor.
  • Alexander Gideon "Alec" Lightwood: Alec, a Shadowhunter, grapples with his sexuality, which is taboo in his society. His relationship with Magnus Bane, a warlock, creates complications amidst his parabatai bond and family ties. He discovers his father is Valentine Morgenstern, a notorious villain, and that his parabatai, Jace, has feelings for Clary, who is revealed to be his sister. Clary, an ordinary human, is thrust into the world of Shadowhunters after her mother's disappearance.
  • Isabelle Sophia "Izzy" Lightwood: Isabelle is a powerful Shadowhunter, known for her strength and ferocity. She is also a rebellious daughter who defies authority. This suggests she's a complex character with both a strong sense of duty and a strong sense of independence is unclear and may be a mistake or incomplete thought.
  • Valentine Morgenstern: Valentine, thought deceased for years, has resurfaced, aiming to destroy both Shadowhunters and Downworlders. His return is a shock, and he's considered a dangerous adversary due to his skills and charisma.
  • Jocelyn Fray: Clary's mother entered a magical coma to protect her daughter from Valentine, preventing him from using the Mortal Cup she touched to his advantage.
  • Maryse Lightwood: Maryse as innocent as a child, is oblivious to impending danger.
  • Robert Lightwood: Clary, a Shadowhunter, flees from both her own kind and the Downworlders because she feels she's done wrong and needs absolution. She wants to be protected, but her actions have left her seeking refuge and forgiveness.
  • Max Lightwood: 19-year-old Jocelyn, the eldest child, harbors a dark secret.
  • Imogen Herondale: An Inquisitor, driven by personal revenge, travels to New York to investigate Valentine's son.


  • Simon Lewis: Clary's geeky, mundane best friend who inevitably joins Clary and the Shadowhunters because of his feelings for her.


  • Magnus Bane: the High Warlock of Brooklyn who decides to help the Conclave for Alec.
  • Luke Garroway: Valentine's former parabatai before Turning into a werewolf, Luke is a close friend of Jocelyn who helped raise Clary.
  • Maia Roberts: a member of Luke's New York werewolf pack.
  • Raphael Santiago: leader of the New York vampire clan.
  • Seelie Queen: the queen of the Seelie Court of the Fair Folk.
  • Meliorn: the queen's personal knight and confidante, Meliorn has a past connection with a certain Lightwood.

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