Charlotte Turner Smith: Poems Characters

Charlotte Turner Smith: Poems Character List

Nightingale - "On the Departure of the Nightingale"

Charlotte Smith addresses the nightingale: “Sweet poet of the woods, a long adieu!/Farewell soft mistrel of the early year!” For Charlotte, the nightingale’s humming is analogous to a stunning, mellifluous poem.

Charlotte Smith - “The Emigrants”

Charlotte unambiguously elucidates that the poem is founded on “ Disillusion with the French Revolution.” The revolution occasioned glumness and distress which encumber her from distinguishing the delight that she ascribed to nature prior to the revolution.

Lunatic - “Sonnet: On Being Cautioned Against Walking on an Headland Overlooking the Sea, Because It Was Frequented by a Lunatic”

Lunacy is illustrative of petrifying isolation. The lunatic is cited to dishearten Smith from visiting the headland. Seemingly, the lunatic is typically excluded because people are dissuaded from frequenting the locality where he might be.

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