Caleb's Crossing Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Geraldine Brooks explore gender in this text?

    Bethia is a headstrong and passionate character, who lives in a provincial Puritan village. She struggles with traditions and expectations put upon her and often breaks the rules. Bethia particularly struggles with expectations from her father. Although her father is concerned with educating the young boys, he denies his daughter an education as he believes she should act more like a woman. He expects her to undertake domestic chores and attend to the house, which Bethia resists.

  2. 2

    How is education significant in the novel?

    For both Bethia and Caleb, education is significant. Throughout the text, the characters learn more about each other’s lifestyles and therefore experience a cultural education.

    For Bethia, her attitude towards education is related to issues of gender. She is unhappy because she is denied an education and is instead required to do domestic chores.

    For Caleb, education becomes his savior. He is accepted into Harvard College and enjoys a better lifestyle as a result. He is the first Native American to graduate from Harvard, which is an incredible educational achievement.

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