Director's Influence on Bride and Prejudice

Director's Influence on Bride and Prejudice

Gurinder Chada's film is one that explores the relationship between India and the West, particularly England and the United States. Chada is a fine choice for the material as most of her work explores the lives of Indians in the midst of English culture. With that said, we see a blend of filmmaking from Bollywood to Hollywood. We get to experience the musical numbers traditionally associated with Bollywood films, and watch to antics of the characters being played out through song and dance as they express their inner feelings through these means. Then, we get the Hollywood romantic comedy that many Westerners have fallen in love with as it provides a balance of comedy, conflict, and romance which traditionally ends up with a happy ending.

Chadha adds all of these elements into the film and with the conflict of cultures clashing and Lalita seeking to ensure hers is not trampled by Darcy's what we see is a lighthearted film that displays crucial conflict in the idea that each side must learn a language of respect for one another that leads to their actions matching up with their words. Chandha reveals this in the finale of the film when Darcy is seen dancing a traditional Indian dance and drumming while Lalita watches him. There is a respect that must be attained both from the heart of a woman and the people of India. This film reveals this and it underlies the lighter fare of the film.

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