Bride and Prejudice Characters

Bride and Prejudice Character List

Lalita Bakshi

A highly independent and feisty young woman, Lalita breaks all the stereotypical conventions of how a ‘good’ Indian girl should behave, much to the chagrin of her mother. She strives for success and true romance, rather than the arranged marriages that her mother is eager for her to agree to. Moreover, Lalita is also shown to be a skilled musician and singer, mediums through which she shares her longing to find a compatible companion.

Will Darcy

Successful son of hotel magnate, Darcy is accustomed to a life of privilege, which usually puts him at odds with Lalita. He is initially shown to be quite closed-minded, with a lack of appreciation for true Indian culture, and a dislike for Indian cultural practices, like arranged marriages. As he spends more time with Lalita, his outlook changes and he begins to appreciate the life she lives.

Johnny Wickham

He initially meets Lalita at a beach party in Goa, where he was traveling as a tourist, and forms an instant connection with Lalita, much to the fury of Darcy. He is shown to very charming and adventurous, but when he goes back to London, it appears as though he has forgotten about Lalita. It is later revealed that Johnny and Darcy used to best friends, before Johnny got Darcy’s sister pregnant and tried to take the Darcy family fortune.


Darcy’s best friend and new friend to the Bakshi family. He is a very educated British Indian barrister, but, unlike his sister, he has not lost his cultural heritage and appreciates the beauty of Indian culture, seen through his singing and dancing. He longs to find a woman who is not after his money, which he appears to find with Jaya.


Sister to Balraj and exact opposite to him in term of love for Indian culture. She is portrayed as preferring the western influences and luxuries to traditional Indian ones. Kiran looks down on the family and does not think that Jaya is good enough for her brother. She also brags about her wealth, such as residing near Windsor Castle.

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